Well, some fucking Paparazzi asshole
finally caught the train wreck which is the current state of affairs
with the American Road Cycling President, Bob Fugett, on film.
Below is SlingShot trying to
make a getaway on leaving Barnes & Noble in Paramus, New Jersey
Generally, Mr. Fugett finds a little peace and comfort in the book
stacks at The Great Wall of Books, but this night he ran into
some turdbrain with a new digital camera, just itching to garner
their own 15 seconds of fame off the coattails of Shot. So, the flashes started pouring out,
while passers-by headed for cover, or stood agape at the flurry of
interest and activity.
One of those agape bystanders has had their
features removed from the photo below in order to avoid American
Road Cycling having to pay them shock and awe modeling
fees. We also deleted the audio snippet so they could not be
recognized through the New Reality voice recognition software
that monitors conversations wherever people gather. But we can
report them as saying to their cell phone, "No not Sting,
Sling. Really, I'm
not lying! Yes, at Barnes & Noble...Really, SlingShot. I'm serious!"
The only thing that American Road
Cycling President, Bob (SlingShot) Fugett, hates more than
actually having to talk to people, is having his photo taken.
However, in this case it serves him right; because, when this
Paparazzi asshole tried to talk to him, Mr. Fugett pushed him away
and exclaimed, "Get the fuck away from me jerk." When the shithead
continued following and staring at Bob (apparently thrilled beyond words
at having
his little brush with fame), our esteemed President further exclaimed, "Take
a picture, dickwad1. It'll last longer!"
So there you have it.
We are publishing this photo despite
SlingShot's vehement warnings not to do so. Really, what's he
going to do? Stop talking to us?
But just in case you are wondering why Bob is
smiling like a goosed frog, even though he hates:
1) talking to
2) having his photo snatched
Please, remember that the
only thing Bob does love more than life is when his wife
(The Black Widow) Endico gets harassed, and the only thing she
hates more than being seen with Bob in public is having her own
picture taken. Voilá.
That is Mary with her back to the
camera, her arms clinched around her torso, making a beeline into the
parking lot. Witnesses recall she was muttering as she shuffled
away, "Oh jeez...oh, fuck me...oh jeez."

photo Copyright © 2005
(Twin) George Meyer
smile by
better, more truthful photos (authorized by SlingShot), see:
Presidential Photo.
Below is an update photo
submitted by the offending Paparazzi 07/23/04:

photo Copyright © 2005
(Twin) George Meyer Note
the obviously happier attitude of
Black Widow once SlingShot is out of the picture.
Somebody probably called her spry.
1. This is not a
reference to the Famous
Dickwad that Paul Latrine recently fit and sold an Ottrott to.