Had just started a ride and was spinning up a hill easy
on the Sugar Loaf bypass (while nursing my IT band), when I looked down on the side of the road, took
another several strides (then a couple more) and thought, "That was most
definitely a Copperhead!" Turned back and stopped to confirm
then blasted back home to grab Widder's iPhone to get back in time
for this photo.
Could have gone slower, because the Copperhead was dead,
and another was mashed in the road nearby.
By next day it had already been moved into the road
(either by crows or dog walkers) and was mashed up beyond recognition.
Showed the photo to Mary and she exclaimed, "Well, I
sure never saw a snake that looked like that before!"

Finally after 35 years searching (and 7 years after the
Copperheads NOT
article) I finally found one... and less than a mile from my house.
Would really have preferred it did not have to die in
order for me to find it. |