Thanks for the quick sending of the
[local club] newsletter after my application last week. Below
is a copy of e-mail to my nephew which will let you know how much I
appreciate the timely arrival of "[newsletter name]" I had a great
time at today's ride. One ride with the [local club] has
already improved my performance.
I sent in my application for the [local club] on Wed, got my
newsletter yesterday and showed up for the listed Century ride this
morning. I only did the first 50. Until yesterday I didn't know the
ride was happening...did over train last week...didn't train for a
Century (which I've never ridden)...didn't need to go into
glycolitic shock and have my body metabolizing its own bone tissue.
When I was introduced as a new member to the Pres, he asked me if I
was was an "A" rider or a "B" rider. Sounded a little too much like,
"Are you a good witch or a bad witch," so I insisted "A." He scoffed
a little. I guess he knows a geezer when he sees one.
He asked what my average speed is, and I said, "Somewhere around 17
to 18 mph." He said, "You'll probably be riding with the "B"
riders." To which I retorted, "Well, since you put it that way, 18
to 20+ mph."
"Ok, but we go fast."
When the ride began the Pres took off
drafting behind a tandem that was setting a nice pace. After about 2
or 3 miles of 20+, he noticed that I was on his tire and told me I
really should have stayed with the group...that he was just picking
up a couple free miles off the tandem.
Then he said, "Well, in any case, just stay with the
rider behind the tandem," and dropped back to organize the paceline.
Turns out the rider in front was Ingred, who'd just finished a ride
across Iowa and was preparing for an Iron Man. She was very helpful
regarding my lack of paceline skills and (along with the tandem
riders) was kindly forgiving of my momentary breaks into screaming
gasps for air.
I like to think the Pres was a little shocked when it took the main
paceline 40 miles to catch me, by then riding alone. He mumbled
something about three flat tires as they drifted by. I didn't care.
I'm not proud and will take all the help I can get, especially since
I was on the verge of bonk and didn't come close to keeping up with
the line when it passed.
What with all the excitement (plus two riders that helped push/pull
me the final miles to the rest stop), I added 1.2 mph to my average
speed over 50 miles, plus 4 bpm to my average heart rate. Also I
noted, after downloading my heart monitor data, that somewhere (on
some down-hill) I max'd out at 51.7 mph...too wide-eyed-involved at
the time to even notice.
If I can just take another 20 lbs off my gut, I'll be able to go
fast up-hill as well.