January 22, 2016
| By Bob Fugett
Never Stretch (ever)
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Bob working on his aero position while assiduously not
This is one concept you should be able to get in less than a second.
That's good too, because you are going to have to work on it for your
entire life.
The most repeated error in athletics is stating the absolute benefit (and
necessity) of stretching.
Don't you dare do it.
Don't do it today. Don't do it tomorrow. Don't do it at the beginning
of a workout. Don't do it at the end of a workout. Don't do it during a
workout. Don't do it at the office. Don't do it at home. Don't do it anywhere.
Just don't do it—never ever never. Not at all.
Here's the problem. Stretching is the worst possible thing for your
muscles, your tendons, and your joints.
Stretching is what you do to rubber bands and the truth, but it is
certainly not what you want to do to any part of your body.
What you should be doing to your muscles is relaxing them.
Practice relaxing constantly and in
absolutely every situation mentioned above.
Practice relaxing today. Practice relaxing tomorrow. Do it at the beginning
of a workout. Do it at the end of a workout. Do it especially during a workout
and even more especially during a competition. Do it at the office (but don't
get caught), and do it at home. Do it everywhere and all the time.
But don't try to relax your ligaments, because they
Ligaments are your last line of defense against injury; and, if they
ever do get
relaxed, they will stop hurting at the right time, and you are headed for major trouble.
On the other hand, if you relax your
muscles enough your tendons will eventually follow along a little which is ok,
actually good.
You just need to relax your muscles for the
right amount of time which (in a nutshell) means: forever and a day and
all the time in between.
Relax each muscle group and every muscle in each group (see:
Anatomy of Movement for what is where) and do it for at least 30 seconds (15 seconds
absolute minimum) a
few times a day.
It is easy to know exactly the moment you stop relaxing and start to
stretch because it hurts, and if you ignore that pain you will receive a
sharper more dangerous pain from associated ligaments—your
last line of defense against joint injury.
Bad, bad, bad.
Don't do it.
The odd thing about it is that if you
thoughtfully do the same relaxation exercise day after day you will gradually
need to reach further into it in order to find where the pain begins.
The best way to learn relaxation is by
studying books about stretching.
Do all the exercises exactly as described, except don't stretch—relax.
The better books on stretching
will mention this.
At this point most books would tell you to get
some professional help because churning up revenues is how this industry works.
But let us not kid ourselves.
You have already thrown away all your money on a fancy bicycle and power meter,
so you cannot afford professional help.
Just read all the books and practice so you will have something to discuss with
your trainer if you ever get rich enough to afford a practitioner again—after
you hurt yourself.
It could happen.
I just saw a yoga video online that began with a long disclaimer how none of the
exercises should be attempted without seeing a professional first.
I thought out loud, "Nobody needs professional help with this. It is not that
But after the first suggested posture was shown I continued, "Oh, that exercise. Yeah, you might
like to talk to somebody about that one before you try it. Can't believe they
put that here first, like it was nothing."
It looked simple enough, but I knew better
because things are not always what they seem.
For example, take the photo of me doing
Child Pose at the top the page.
What you see took a few months preparation.
Then on the day of the performance I began very
high with my head supported by my hands on pillows.
I came down slowly, relaxing by degrees,
suffering through significant pain when not careful, then tamping down or removing a
pillow, or an inch or two of elbow, thumb, palm, finger support whenever I stabilized
into any one of the few hundred transitional positions on the way down.
The whole thing took 45 minutes and was a Personal Best at the time.
I only allowed myself any pain at all because
that posture is the only thing I ever showed my chiropractor (about what I was doing
for my back) where he did not wince like I was kicking babies.
He only said, "Oh, good. Child Pose is
On the other hand, dear reader, if you should ever attempt what you see me
doing above, you will be sorry, because it is not for sissies and you will not
be able to endure such pain.
I am allowed to do such stuff because the last time I saw my chiropractor
(sometime before that photo) it was pointed out to me that I had not been there
in three years, and that was four years ago.
Also I am working on a World Record 1-hour Time Trial, but you are not.
In fact, you are not really working on much of anything at all, so don't even
think about trying such a feat of pure manliness.
See how easy it was to challenge you to jump beyond what you should be doing?
Therefore, if you are not absolutely certain, and especially if you forget the
first rule (like most people do), you might like to get into a class.
Yoga, Pilates, Martial Arts, Aerobics,
In the meantime, here's that rule again,
because I am sure you have forgotten.
Remember: Never ever never stretch. Relax.
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